Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Book # 32: Wuthering Heights

by Emily Bronte

As a classic and one that I had more frequently been hearing about, I eagerly picked up this book expecting another Jane Austen style romance. Not the case at all. Much darker and almost gloomy, this book is a disappointment if approached in that light. However, after I got over the fact that this was not going to be another witty-banter romance, the book proved good. It was intriguing, and one that would be great to discuss with a group. Not one I would reread on a regular basis--too depressing and a little disconnected from the characters (as it is a story told within the story). But a decent read, and I am glad to finally be able to understand the references made in other books and movies.

Book # 33: Should be done within a week
Arguing with Idiots
by Glenn Beck