Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Change, well, Sort of

So I haven't been very diligent in my blogging lately. And as I am 39 weeks pregnant, I don't see it getting any better any time soon. So I am officially taking a break. I will try to keep adding my books as I read them (though I expect with child number two's arrival that the book reading will cease to exist for some time). But the home renovations are at a stand still (at least on my part) for at least 6 months. i know I still owe you pictures on the most recently completed rooms, and I am sorry for my negligence. Part of the delay is that there are still one or two things missing in them, so I've been waiting for them to be completely finished. If you are absolutely desperate to see them, then you will just have to come visit.

So thank you to all my loyal readers. I will check in occasionally, but I don't want to make any promises that I know I won't keep.

1 comment:

Mommy Meg said...

I totally understand kelly, though I was hoping your little blogging hiatus meant you had the baby! Prop your feet up and relax. I know this is the most uncomfortable part of pregnancy but it will not last forever! Here's to a swift and uncomplicated labor and delivery, and a beautiful, healthy baby!