Friday, July 18, 2008


It is amazing how the simple touch of flowers can brighten the room and create a finished look when in fact things are in disarray. My husband rang our doorbell last night and held out the most beautiful bouquet to me. It was our third date night since moving, and once again it was well worth the extra effort of getting food setup for Madi's dinner, making a horribly unfinished house somewhat presentable for Nana's visit, and myself somewhat presentable for the outside-of-motherhood world. And this morning, the flowers greeted me with their sunny faces turned upward as if they anticipated something magical.

1 comment:

Molly Sabourin said...

Gorgeous! I, too, think that freshly cut flowers cover a multitude of imperfections; they're one of my favorite indulgences. Good for you for keeping up with those date nights! Well worth it indeed!