about 9 pieces of clothing for me (5 of which did not fit--but the 50 cents was worth it for the other four), a Elmospalooza VHS tape (should we really be buying VHS's? aren't they out of date?) that Madi couldn't pass up,
and the jackpot of all jackpots a large box of upholstery fabric for $1, yes $1 for the whole box.
Now you may ask, what could I possibly do with all that fabric. Well here are some of the items awaiting a little pick me up.
Nothing gets my blood flowing like a good yard sale!! Absolutely you can buy VHS - in fact, I prefer video tapes for their indestructibility. That fabric is super cool, Kelly. I just covered some chairs in our "homeschool room" and it made a huge difference. I look forward to seeing the "after" pictures.
Yeah for good finds/buys! I am about to redo my first stool that I just got today for a couple bucks. Please show after you redo these pieces!
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