1. If the top layer, the one with the pattern, will easily tear off, grab it and pull.
2. Arm yourself with a spray bottle filled with hot water. For this bathroom, I emptied a bottle of the wallpaper removal gel down the kitchen sink. Trust me, the gel does nothing, hot water does it all. Spray the remaining wallpaper liberally.
3. Let sit for about 5 minutes. In other words, keep spraying other areas for about 5 minutes, then return to where you started to begin removal.
4. Use a scraper and just slide it across the wall. The paper should just peel right off. If you find yourself having to use arm strength, then grab the spray bottle and apply more water.
5. When all the wallpaper is removed, sand the walls to remove any leftover glue.
That's it. Not so bad. But I will say that after removing so much wallpaper in my life, I will NEVER, EVER put any in a house. I know that at some point that wallpaper would need changed, and I do not want to have to remove anymore. We actually replastered the walls in the kitchen instead of succumbing to using wallpaper.
Here are some up close pictures of what the wallpaper looked like. This one was on the top half of the room, complete with a border.
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