I always find that I appreciate Madilyn much more after having been at a Mom's group meeting. Not that the other kids are bad in any way. They are all really nice kids, and I mean that. They have manners and know when something is inappropriate. But something about having five kids (all under the age of 5) running around instead of just one, makes my one seem much more manageable. It always leaves me more satisfied with the next few days and our quiet coloring sessions or our fast-paced book reading time.
And how did the mom's group go, you ask? It went well--I got some time to talk to adults amidst the chaos of couch jumping, toy music blaring, and little cries of Mama, Mama. Madi got some time to see other children and interact with them. And as always she got some help learning to share. And my house, well, see for yourself:
I think it got a workout too!
But now, Madi is napping, the dishwasher is running, the washing machine is churning away, and my house is straightened and cleaned. So I am going to go put my feet on the couch and read.
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